Open call for participating in the research of @nclusion project

Find below the questionnaires of the research conducted by GFM and SYMPLEXIS for the @nclusion project: Fostering inclusion of LGBTQI+ migrants at local level:
The Greek Forum of Migrants and Symplexis participate in the @nclusion project which is implemented in Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Spain. It is financed by the program of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Commission (AMIF).
The @nclusion project comes to trigger change in the way local integration plans are developed and implemented by promoting the synergy of local authorities with migrants’ organizations and communities and LGBTQI+ organizations and other relevant CSOs for the co-design and implementation of more effective and long(er)-term plans / strategies / measures that address the intersectional needs of a particularly vulnerable group: LGBTQI+ migrants & refugees.
To achieve the objectives of the project, it is essential to conduct an online survey designed to understand and gather data on the attitudes and stereotypes towards LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees among three target groups:
(a) migrants’ organizations and communities,
(b) LGBTQI+ organizations, and
(c) local authorities.
This survey aims to assess these groups` awareness of the needs of LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees for integration at the local level.
Your participation is entirely voluntary. This survey is anonymous and includes only multiple questions. You will need less than fifteen (15) minutes to answer all questions. You are free to leave at any time, without giving reason and without any consequences on you or your future participation in the project.
We greatly appreciate your voluntary participation in this research and hope to see you at upcoming @nclusion project activities!
1. Questionnaire | Organizations-Communities supporting people with an migrant/refugee background
2. Questionnaire | LGBTQI+ Organisations
3. Questionnaire | Local authorities-Municipalities
Please do not hesitate to conctact with Nini Lomsadze via email: on behalf of the Greek Forum of Migrants, for any questions you may have.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.