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@nclusion: Project Launch Event - GREECE

Read below more information about the Launch event we are organising for the @nclusion project:


@nclusion:Fostering inclusion of LGBTQI+ migrants at local level

Read below information about the new project Greek Forum of Migrants is participating @nclusion:Fostering inclusion of LGBTQI+ migrants at local level:


KYPSELI MUNDIAL 2024 Press Release

Read below the Press Release for Kypseli Mundial 2024! First Community Football tournament and cultural festival in Athens! 


#CeasefireNow: Open Call for an Immediate Ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and Israel

Please sign the petition organised by more than 370 organisation worldwide that demand to cease fire in Gaza Strip and Israel:


Press Conference Food for All

Read below the Press Release regarding the Press Conference FOOD FOR ALL:


New Board of Directors GFM for the period 2022-2025

Read below part of the minutes of the General Assembly of the Greek Forum of Migrants and the election procedure of the new Board of Directors for the period 2022-2025:


Publish the full investigation regarding pushbacks

Read our common demand to the National Transparency Authority to publish the full investigation regarding pushbacks:


Joint NGO briefing paper - Relocation from Greece

Read below in pdf format the joint NGO briefing paper rearding the relocation of refugees from Greece - lessons learned and looking ahead:


Press Conference VACCINES FOR ALL

Read below the outcome from the Facebook Live Press Conference of the campaign Vaccines for All:





Joint announcement - on the leakage of children`s names

Read below the joint announcement which we co-sign among 15 Civil Society organizations regarding the leakage of names of kindergarten children in order to highlight the non-Greek origin of some of them:


Invitation to Press Conference VACCINES FOR ALL

On Wednesday, September 29th, 2021 at 12:00 pm the press conference of the VACCINES FOR ALL campaign will be held online, co-roganized by INTERSOS Hellas, the Greek Forum of Migrants and the Greek Forum of Refugees. Read more:


Walling off Welcome / Walls vs welcome

45 NGOs and civil society groups have released on September 8th, 2021 a report urging the European Union and Greek government to abandon plans to dramatically restrict the movement of people in refugee camps in Greece. Read below our common press statement:


Vaccines for All

INTERSOS Hellas, the Greek Forum of Migrants and Greek Forum of Refugees address a Call to Action:


Joint statement by 56 civil society organisations regarding the National Recovery Plan

Read the joint statement following our Joint letter regarding the National Recovery Plan:


Joint Action for the push-backs

Read below the first document of our common and joint action from Greek Civil Society concerning push-backs of migrants and refugees in Greece:


Open Letter for the Greek Recovery Plan

Read below the open letter co-signed by 70 Civil Societyd`s organisations including the Greek Forum of Migrants, concerning the Greece’s Recovery Plan that also contains matters of Migrant and Refugee integration:


OPEN LETTER: All children have the right to go to school

Read below the Open Letter co-signed by 33 organizations inclyding the Greek Forum of Migrants:


New apointments of the PERMITS for exceptional reasons

Read below the translated announcement published by the Decentralized Administration of Attica, regarding the new procedure of appointment requests of the residence permits for exceptional reasons.


Refugees in Greece: risk of homelessness...

Read below the joint statement of 73 organisations of the Greek Civil Society.


New measures for Covid-19 in 9 languages - Nov 2020

Read below in 9 languages the new measures for the second lockdown / quarantine in Greece starting Saturday 07/11/2020:


Joint Statement SAVE PIKPA

Read the joint statement of organisations considering the evacuation of PIKPA Solidarity Center in Lesvos:


They are not innocent. Nazis in jail

The Greek Forum of Migrants supports the Δεν είναι αθώοι campaign and the antifascist protest:


Joint Announcement regarding EU Migration Pact

Read below the Join Announcement by Civil Society Organisations regarding the European Pact on Migration and Asylum:


New measures for Covid-19 in 8 languages

Read below, in 8 languages, the key points of the new measures announced by the Greek Government, that will be in force from Monday, May 4, 2020:


URGENT: Read below the travel ban

Find below in several languages, instructions that we are obliged to follow - travel ban, that is taking in to effect by Monday 23 March 2020, at 06:00 am in Greece:


Send a message against Discrimination - WAD2020

Read below the Press Release of the 6th Walk Against Discrimination - WAD2020, from home:


Joint Statement of 120 Organizations - Protect our laws and humanity!

Read below the Joint Statement / Open Letter of 120 Organizations from Greece and Europe, concerning the current situation at the Greek borders as far as it concerns the asylum procedure and the targeting of NGOs and Communities of Civil Society in Greece:


Participation in the IDEAL-M programme

The Greek Forum of Migrants is participating to the programme IDEAL-M (Informant Diasporas in EurAfrica for Legal Migration) co-funded by the AMIF European Union programme.




Announcement for the International Migrant Day 2019

Read below the announcement of the Greek Forum of Migrants on international Migrants Day, December 18th, 2019:


New Board of Directors elected for the period 2019-2022

The Greek Forum of Migrants implemented the 4th elections for the Board of Directors, which will be active for the period 2019 - 2022


A Ball Against Discrimination - FARE 2019

For a fourth year in a row, the Greek Forum of Migrants participates to the annual global campaign #FootballPeople weeks, organised by the FARE Network. Read below the press release:


Upholding human dignity

On the occassion of recent main news in the election period, in Greece:


Europe vs Humanity, 1-0

Read below the message of the Greek Forum of Migrants for the World Refugee Day 2019:


Make them Act! EU MPs are answering

The Greek Forum of Migrants, along with the organizing committee of the WAD 2019, we would like to invite you to the MAKE THEM ACT press conference:


Make them Act!

Speak up, against the uprising darkness. Read more about our campaign:


A great victory of Civil Society against the far-right voices of Europe

The Greek Forum of Migrants, welcomes the European Commission`s positive response to our call. Herbert Kickl has been, officially, excluded from the "EU High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance".


Solidarity and Humanity

23 of July 2018. A deadly wildfire destroys a huge part of east Attica leaving behind almost a hundrend dead people, and thousands homeless, with lost fortunes and empty looks.


African Fest 2018

For a second year in a row, the Africacn Network in Greece in collaboration with other organisations, are organizing the African Fest 2018, on Saturday 21 July.


Fascist attack in Afghan Migrants Refugees Community in Greece

On the occasion of the fascist attack on our member`s offices, of the Community of Afghan Migrants and Refugees in Greece, the community invites to a gathering on Friday 30/3/2018 at 4 pm outside the offices, Halkokondyli 35. The press release, on the fascist, racist arson attack they received on March 22, 2018, at their offices, as well as an announcement on the immediate needs of the community, follows:


Walk Against Discrimination 2018

The International Day Against Racism and Racial Discrimination, on 21 March, the Greek Forum of Migrants, for a 4th year in a row, is calling for all groups that are currently being discriminated and affected by racism to raise their voices and to declare their determination to fight all kinds of racism and humiliation of human dignity. Representatives from wider groups affected by racism (PWD, LGBT, Roma, migrants, refugees, HIV positive, elderly, drug addicts, mentally ill, religion minorities, etc.) united we will have the Walk Against Discrimination, marching together for a better world.


Statement for racist speech against Roma

The Greek Forum of Migrants denounces racist speech and points out that combating racism is A RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERYONE.


Common statement support to Mytilene Hospital

The Syria Greece Shelter (Stegh Syron Greece) the Greek Forum of Refugees and the Greek forum of migrants, on the occasion of the negative press and media reports that tainted the New Year`s Day celebration of doctors and nurses from Mytilene Hospital, and regardless of this unfortunate incident, we would like to mention the following:


No more slaves again in Africa - Demonstration 2/12/2017

The African Network in Greece and GFM, we CALL all the citizens of Athens to demonstrate and protest, marching to the European Commission offices and Italian Embassy. Come with us to protest against the crimes continued in Libya - let’s shout together NO MORE SLAVES AGAIN in AFRICA


Announcement for the violent attacks

The Greek Forum of Migrants as a member of the Racist Violence Recording Network, co-signs the announcement / complaint concerning the assaults by a group of Golden Dawns` supporters to a lawyer and a representative of a Network member. Here`s the announcement:


Join Letter of 21 NGOs on Housing issues for recognized refugees

Athens, August 1st, 2017

To: Minister for Migration Policy, Mr. Ioannis Mouzalas, Alternate Minister of Economy and Development, Mr. Alexis Haritsis

Notification: UNHCR Representative in Greece, Mr. Philippe Leclerc

TOPIC: Housing issues for recognized refugees




Common Press Release about violent incidents in Moria-Lesvos

We express our deepest concern in relation to the information, complaints and testimonies about violence and abuse by the Hellenic Police in the detention center in Moria, Lesvos. 


Racist attacks in Aspropyrgos / Common statement

The Greek Forum of Migrants together with the Hellenic League for Human Rights, the Greek Community of Pakistan, the organization Solidarity Now, the Immigrant Integration Council of the City of Athens and the KEERFA - Movement United against Racism and the Fascist Threat, met with the Attorney General Mr. Demetriou of the Supreme Court of Greece, on the case of racist attacks in Aspropyrgos.



Greek Forum of Migrants, invites you in a press conference, at 23rd of June in Makkah Restaurant – Anaxagora 13-15 street in the central of Athens, at 7:30 p.m. , in order to present the program “Fight hate crime now”.


Press Release 18/04/2013 - Press Conference for the Presentation of the 2012 Report

Athens – The Racist Violence Recording Network  is organizing a Press Conference for the presentation of racist motivated incidents recorded by its members during 2012.
